Lies were lived at the Viking

Event Date

Jan 30, 2018



Exercise SSH

run a lap

another exercise Cotton Picker

run a lap

another exercise – Windmill and IST'


The Thang:


PAX were instructed to grab a rock, then put that rock back and grab a bigger rock…not sure if anyone did that.

Apparently my PB suggested no burpees or squats for those that did the murph so after this first round Caboose was very quick to point that out…I disagreed knowing full well i wouldn't have a burpeeless workout, but much of the PAX were on Cabooses side, but what can i say, it was a lie, but not a lie on purpose…so we progressed with the following:

AT the Rock Pile

12 Thrusters (Squat to overhead press)

run down the hill

5 burpees 

run up the hill

12 Thrusters

20 Curls

Run down the hill

5 burpees

run up the hill

run down the hill

5 burpees

run up the hill

12 Thrusters

20 curls

30 flutter with Press

Repeat run up and down hill with 5 burpees each time

go till you hit 15 burpees

Run back up Hill


12 Thrusters

20 curls

30 low flutter with Press

40 bent over run

Repeat run up and down hill with 5 burpees each time

go till you hit 20 burpees

Run back up Hill


Mosey over to bottom of parking lot to the 1/3 mile track

Slow mosey one side, sprin the other for one lap

Partner up


Partner one bear crawls and Partner two runs a lap to chase and catch Partner

Flapjack till you complete a lap (i was gonna do 2 laps, but this kinda sucked, so we kept at one lap)

6:08 and PAX wanted to mosey back to cars…not gonna happen.

Over the picnic tables

10 Rocky's

10 dips IC

10 Mason twists IC

12 Rocky's

12 dips IC

12 Pretzel Crunch IC

5 burpees (thanks to Miyagi)

Head to back to cars

Recover recover


  • Great work today men, enjoyed the Q at this great AO with lots to play around with out here
  • Really didn't mean to lie in the PB, but made for some fun bantar and added to the beatdown
  • Sign up for Op Sweet Tooth 8K, do it now!
  • Polar  Bear this weekend 
  • Thanks for  the opp to Q Stromboli, enjoyed it!
