0530 – while Omaha was lobbying for a delayed start to accomodate the stragglers, we pledged allegiance to our flag. At 0531 we moseyed around the parking lot and circled up for a Disclaimer. With the formalities out of the way, YHC tried to start some history on the life and times of Admiral McRaven…but the unruly pax of 34 couldn't resist the 2ndF mumblechatter. So instead, we started with 5 burpees, followed by lunges. More chatter and complaints led to 5 more burpees and more lunges before we got back on track with 3 burpees, an exercise, 4 burpees, an exercise, …10 burpees and an exercise. The exercises included…

  • lunges forward, lunges backward, Apollo Ohno, squats
  • Shoulder touch merkins, wide merkins
  • crunchy frog, knee ups
  • and some others I don't recall

The life history of Admiral McRaven was interspersed, including how he was fired from one of his first positions in 1983. Mosey to baseball field for LBCs (lunges, bear crawls, crab walks)

  • lunge walk to left field
  • Bear crawl to center field
  • Crab walk to right field
  • Run home: 10 burpees, 20 merkins, 30 squats

One lap around the parking lot and 5 more burpees


Split into groups of 3 for partner assisted reverkins and lawnmower pulls…10 of each while the partner provides resistance through his own static curl.


Pendulum walk back to the flag for mountain climbers to 20, low flutter, rosalita, high flutter, and low dolly…each to 10 IC. 


That was followed by #StretchArmstrong favorites, which was mostly static holds to strengthen the quads and stretch hips.


The pax was happy to be interupted by the garbage truck, which required evasive maneuvers.


We finished with these 10 lessons from Admiral McRaven's time in Coronado, CA training to be a Navy Seal.

  1. Make your bed; Start each day with a task completed
  2. Find someone to help you paddle; translated, form a Shield Lock
  3. Measure a person by the size of his heart; respect everyone
  4. Sometimes, no matter how well you prepare and perform, you still end up as a sugar cookie. Life is not fair.
  5. Don’t be afraid of the circuses; You will fail often and it will make you stronger if you don't quit
  6. Sometimes you have to slide down the obstacles head first; take some risks; step up!
  7. Punch the sharks in the nose; face down bullies
  8. Be your very best in the darkest moments
  9. Start singing when you’re neck deep in mud. Don’t underestimate the power of Hope
  10. Don’t ever ring the bell; never give up.

In COT, the pax shared their F3 starting year and who EH'ed them. Read the list like this…PAX – Year Started – EH'ed by. We have every year represented except 2018…must have been a bad vintage. Please say a prayer for Schneider & his family as you read his name below. Tclaps to the guys with more than one person EH'ed below: Minime, Skipper, DriveThru, Holiday, Magnus, Auto.

  1. Moses – 2011 – Moniteur
  2. Primo – 2011 – Moses
  3. Ludi – 2011 – Moses/Primo
  4. Outlaw – 2011 – Moses
  5. Omaha – 2011 – Moses
  6. Soprano – 2011 – Skipper
  7. Hat Trick – 2012 – Drive Thru
  8. Bagboy – 2012 – MiniMe
  9. Bijoux – 2012 – MiniMe
  10. Sweet Carolina – 2012 – MiniMe
  11. Dallas – 2012 – Simba
  12. Stromboli – 2012 – Shaken
  13. Snake Eyes – 2012 – Rodent
  14. Oyster – 2013 – Moses
  15. Dingo – 2013 – Auto
  16. Duval – 2013 – Mailman
  17. Kid Rock – 2013 – M-16
  18. Mayhem – 2013 – Drive Thru
  19. Hasselhof – 2014 – Bigbird
  20. Titan – 2014 – The Count
  21. Waffle House – 2014 – Moses
  22. Tagless – 2014 – Skipper 
  23. Holiday – 2014 – one of the Bunyans
  24. Deep Dish – 2014 – Holiday
  25. Ninja Turtle – 2015 – Holiday
  26. Eeyore – 2015 – Magnus
  27. Turncoat – 2016 – Auto/Eeyore
  28. Lonestar – 2016 – Several St. Mark guys
  29. Tuffy – 2016 – Gumby
  30. Big Montana – 2017 – El Chapo
  31. Roadie – 2017 – Schneider
  32. Night Light – 2019 – Magnus
  33. Crocs – 2019 – Mojito
  34. FNG Rodney Murray – 2019 – Crocs

Moleskin – 

  • My only takeaway from the day is that I have a small clipboard. Apparently Kid Rock knows things…
  • Oyster – war daddy – good to see you're still above ground. Keep yourself upright for another today 😉
  • Crocs – thanks for the music and bringing out Rodney; Rodney – great work today!
  • All – it was my honor to be part of this group today and for the past 8 years. I need you in my life.
  • To the men who started F3-Isotope in 2011, thanks for your leadership, endurance, strength, humor, love & patience.