
Event Date

Mar 01, 2016




Quick Warm-o-rama

Joggy L,R,B, F

Circle up 


Imperial Squats x 10

Merkins x 10

Good morings x10

Collect your Cinder block and carry to lower field

Split Pax in 2 groups (3/4)

Idea was to have team event, the odd number created a "figure it out" workout

 P1. Overhead carry

P2. Block drag  walk/run

P3. Block sit and pull

This was done across the field ~50 yds or more

-each member of pax take turns doing each exercise , with the person doing overhead carry setting the pace. And once crossing the field pax would switch. At each switch point 5 burpees for each pax.

-We did this contiuously for 30+ minutes..You vs You.


T-claps to Landshark for bringing the blocks and expressing his adolescent fantasy during warm-o-rama. Show-to-Know.

T-bone, thanks for Ruckstardard.

Glad to see Tantrum and Turnpike are getting along, be cautions Turnpike.

Great to have Frontier  come back to Fallout.

Candy, I see you getting stronger each time.

Great work by all today.

Always an Honor to lead MEN of F3.