Light Bulb’s Alternating AO’s

Event Date

Sep 03, 2016


8 strong gathered in the SVU gloom grateful for a bit cooler weather.  Not to worry though, things heated up pretty quick.  After a bit of warm up, we grabbed some blocks and kept it simple.  It went something like this:

Warm Up

30IC Dandelions (SSH)
15IC Windmills
15IC Cotton Pickers
15IC Mountain Climbers
10IC Merkins
Retrieve a block from the back and return to launch pad

15×15 (Hat tip to Lightbulb)

Pax did 15 rounds of 15IC exercise alternating between the Launch Pad and the corner lot at top of big hill.  Each round of exercise started as soon as the 4th man arrived at the designated AO.  On the last 3 or 4 runs up the hill the lead 4 runners had to switch to backwards run at about 2/3rds to help keep pax together.  The exercises included:

15IC Block Curls
15IC Squats
15IC Merkins (5 diamond, 5 std, 5 wide)
15IC Allen Iverson
15IC Block Shoulder Press
15IC Imperial Storm Troopers
15IC Carolina Dry Docks
15IC Copperhead Squats
15IC Block Skull Crushers
15IC Lunges
15IC Low Country Crab Cakes
15IC Monkey Humpers
15IC Block Trifectas
15IC Star Jumps
15OYO Burpees

We returned blocks and had a little extra time so we did a couple of parking lot suicides. One Bear Crawl and one backward run.


Challenge was to not let feet hit ground during entire Mary time consisting of:

20IC Freddy Mercs
20IC Low Dolly
20IC Windshield Wipers
20IC Flutter Kick
20IC Stranded Turtle


John 15:5–“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”


– Great effort by all.  Restrictor plate idea of backward run for lead runners failed because everyone accepted challenge. 
– Anvil looking strong after a tough GoRuck challenge last week.  No recovery time needed!
– Good to have a bootless Vortex getting back to full strength along with Cheetah.  Time to get rid of all the nagging injuries!
–  When I explained the workout some concern was expressed that the blocks were to be carried on the hill runs.  Hmm, maybe next time.
– T-Claps to Cheetah for doing a lot of the cadence since the Q was often not in the first four runners.
– Continued prayers for Anvil's wife and my coworker Eddie.
– Hope all have a safe and happy Labor Day.
– As always, thanks for the opportunity and honor to lead.