Light the way

12 pax showed up at 0500, not 0510, to crush some speed work or dial in an EZ run in preparation for Peak to Creek. Here is their story:


So many options at GAGA, take your pick:



4 x 1200s w/ 400m recovery

Recover recover



  • Lot of complaining about start times. We all started at 0500, some with more insulated gloves than others
  • Ghost freaked out about not having a headlamp and traded sweat with Hoodie
  • Auto took his first segment crown #FakeNews
  • Good luck to Garcia, Primetime & all of the pax headed to Peak to Creek…you will crush it!
  • Sign up for the Christmas Party on December 1st, its almost 2/3 full then it will be full
  • Prayers up for M Poptart as she spent some time in the ER last night
  • Mornings like these when the Q has to text a brother to lead remind us of the important things in life. None more so than family and our Ms and 2.0s. Prayers for all of our families to stay safe and for healing for M Poptart. Until the next time…