Like Blind Melon Says….No Rain

Event Date

May 30, 2018


Bertha takes first half of the workout


15 Imperial Storm Troopers IC

15 Cotton Pickers IC

20 Mountain Climbers IC

Parking Lot Lap to the gym entrance

The Thang

Mosey to the softball field parking lot…..wait……..right turn at the tennis courts and mosey to the bus parking lot

Grab a binch, 10 Dips IC

Bear Crawl (first column to last column)

Mosey back

Lunge Walk

Mosey back

Crab Walk

Mosey back

10 burpees, rest 1 min

10 burpees, rest 1 min

10 burpees, rest 1 min

30 second wall sit…..nobody’s paying attention, make it 1 minute wall sit


Col Mustard takes over….mosey to the bottom of quadrophelia hill….grab a rock

10 low curl

10 high curl

10 full curl

Mosey to fence

10 mericans

10 wide mericancs

5 diamond mericans


10 chest press

10 skull crushers

Mosey to fence

40 LBCs


Back to launch pad

Revers spiderman up the steps


15 Low Dolly IC

15 Pretzel Crunch IC (L & R)


Q1 starts off shaky – calling squat walkers and performing storm troopers then audibling on the run – planning is overrated….but burpees were promised and delivered

Lots of mumble chatter related to Murph soreness

Hefty was hoping there would be rotation around the rock circle….maybe next time

Ask Stitches how he about got thrown off a cruise ship in Grand Cayman 

Mater about splashed somewhere between Mericans and LBCs

Scope praised the effectiveness of the burpee – how can something so simple cause so much pain!

Q2 throws in a last minute crowd pleaser with the reverse spidermans – backward up the steps – now Col Mustard is just making stuff up!

Shout out to Crop Duster who was finishing up a run as we were about to get started
