Like Riding a Bike

It’s a new year and really cold and 13 men braved the weather to get stronger and fitter in 2024.  Discipline is like riding a bike.  You never forget how to be disciplined, but sometimes, particularly around the holidays, we get less disciplined and need to reboot.  These 12 men showed discipline in getting out of bed this morning despite freezing temps to stay disciplined.  I’m super appreciative of that because it got me motivated to lead a good workout.  Thank you men.

Working out is like riding a bike too.  You never forget how to do it, but it’s harder when you don’t regularly.  We pushed each other today and did the following:

Warmup (all IC)

  • Mosey to the theater
  • 25 SSH
  • 15 IST
  • 15 Toy Solider
  • 10 slow windmill
  • 10 slippery dip can
  • 15 Mountain Climbers
  • 10 merkins

Mosey to the hill for a Dora.

  • 50 Merkins
  • 100 squats
  • 150 LBC

Slow mosey across the icy bridge to the half wall.

  • 30 sec peoples chair
  • peoples chair exercise
  • 10 incline merkins IC

not once, not twice, but thrice.

Mosey to the rocks for cadence work.

  • 10 weighted squats
  • 10 curls
  • 10 OHPs
  • 10 skull crushers
  • 15 8 count burners

Mosey back to bridge for mobility, up the bridge for Mary, and to the AO.

We covered 2.1 miles and burned 656 calories.  Good way to start the day.

Back to my theme for the year, discipline.  I don’t mean to get on a soap box, but I decided last year to ruck 1500 miles.  Many of those were by myself and as an extreme extrovert, that’s a huge mistake.  So I was miserable all year, even though I achieved my goal.  So this year, my discipline is all about getting out regularly and being around other men.  None of us can do it alone, yet we try.  So this year, if you don’t see me out, check in, because I let my discipline slip.

Happy new year all!


