Like Sand(bags) Through the Hourglass…

Event Date

Jan 07, 2016

PAX: Hacker, Scrum, Mary Kay, Spanarkel, Pusher

5 men braved the barely freezing temps this morning for the 60-minute Advanced Early Shift.  A nagging foot injury and Duvall’s 1/9th marathon workout the day prior dictated today’s plan – an upper-body focus with little running.  The method of pain delivery would be sandbags – something we’ve haven’t picked up in recent weeks.


Warmup – SSH x 25 IC, Mtn Climber x 20 IC, stretching, Cotton Picker x 10 IC

Mosey to DUMC and grab some wall for Dips x 10 IC, Alt Step Up x 10 IC, and Bulgarian Squat x 10 IC for each leg. REPEATO

Then, on the church steps for Straight Calf Press x 15 IC, Toes out x 15 IC, Toes in x 15 IC

The call to mosey over to the sandbags was met with one gasp and several groans.

Curl x 10 IC, Incline Sandbag Merkin x 10 IC, LBC x 10 IC

Skull Crusher x 10 IC, Decline Sandbag Merkin x 10 IC, Low Flutter x 10 IC

OH Press x 10 IC, Alternating Sandbag Merkin x 10 IC, The W x 10 IC

Mosey to Dumpster and back

REPEATO two more times.

Plenty of time left in the workout so we lined up on the speed bump for:

ALT Walking Lunge with sandbags OYO

Sandbag Toss with Broad Jump OYO for the return trip

Sandbag Bench Press x 20 IC, followed by Freddie Mercury x 20 IC


Clock hit 6AM – Scrum headed home (as planned), and Spanarkel was released to the Village Green

The remaining PAX (all 4 of us) headed to the IB School for some quick work on the bars

Pull Ups x 10 OYO

Merkins x 10 IC

People’s Chair w/ arms out, arms up, Air Press x 15 IC


One last set of Merkins x10 IC

Mosey back to the Green to join up with the Late Shift for 2 minutes of Mary (LBC, Pickle Pounder, Low Flutter led by Squiggy and Grillz)

COT – 38 total between AES and F3DBC.  Crude challenged guys who don’t normally Q to Q at least 2 workouts a year.  Seems reasonable. OBC announced the conversion of the Sat 6AM workout to Ruck Training.  Bring a backpack and he’ll fill it with a Paver.  Sounds delightful.  Closed with Ball of Man and a prayer delivered by Squiggy.


Admission – Dear diary, when I planned this workout I thought to myself, WWDBD?  What would Das Boat do?  Dude hates to run and loves sand.  In the past, I’ve also used WW P.Diddy Do and WW Scrum Do for inspiration.  Have yet to ask “WW Chim Chim Do?”  Probably never will.     

Observation – Sandbags are more difficult to handle than pavers are when your fingers are numb.  Also, I’m not sure if there’s really any difference between Incline/Decline Sandbag Merkins and regular Merkins.  They do sound cool, though.

240 total pushups this morning.  I didn't realize I had planned so many until Mark Kay mumbled something about "over 200." That prompted the final set of 10 IC, for good measure. 

Mumblechatter was practically nonexistent among the PAX.  This group was all business. 

While moseying to DUMC I was momentarily confused when I saw Scrum (who had dashed ahead) come running back the opposite direction.  Quickly realized he was circling back to bring up the 6.  A good reminder for us all.

Post-workout coffee at Summit is a great way to squeeze in a little 2nd F during the day/week.  Get to know the guys you sweat/freeze with every morning – it makes the workouts that much more fun and meaningful.  Join me – I’m there every morning.