Lil’ Brick, I Mean Bit, Of Everything

Is it raining, could it rain, do we care if it rains?  All these questions lead to some serious pax anxiety.  So much so that a BS call was thrown out (looking at you T-Bone) on the warm up mosey up the parking lot.

This just in:   Lil' Brick is in the house.  Holla!!!!!


  • Mosey, high knees, butt kickers, carioca both sides.
  • SSH x15ic
  • Frankenstein x15ic
  • Windmill x15ic
  • Mountain Climber x15ic

The Thang:

Mosey to the Carrington Ridge wall

  • Leg ups x15ic each leg
  • Derkins x15ic
  • Hop Ups  x15ic
  • Incline merkins x15ic

Mosey to School Playground

  • Pull up x15ic
  • Dips x15ic
  • Inverted rows x15ic
  • Arm circles

Mosey to Loading Dock wall

  • People's chair
  • People's chair with shoulder press x15ic
  • Balls to the wall
  • One leg virtical jumps  x15ic each leg

Indian Run down to rock pile and pick a rock your mama would be proud of (hat tip Calypso)

  • Low curl x15ic
  • Skull crushers x15ic
  • High curl x15ic
  • Overhead press x15ic
  • Full curl x15ic
  • Burners x15ic

To the parking lot

  • Line hops sideways
  • Line hops forwards
  • Inchwarm up the line, travelling merkins to the next line, inchworm back


  • LBC x15ic
  • WW2 situps x15ic
  • Homer

Please don't rain on my moleskin

  • For those of you who joined F3 in the past 10 months, the mystery man whom you thought was an FNG was actually Lil' Brick. 
  • Speaking of which….Lil' Brick, sign up for the new website so we can add your name to backblasts and such.
  • Mooch incognated the you know what out of this workout.  Let's be honest.  He did not do the workout described on his own.  But he did do some serious gyrations and other ations for 45 minutes.
  • It was a pleasure to see Black Eye Pea end his boycott of YHC Q'd workouts.
  • Turnpike can attest that I spent the full 25 minutes of the standard and the first 5 minutes of the workout debating whether to go to Carrington Ridge wall.  It was on the wienke but when we saw the sprinklers on, YHC clammed up, as he is anti- getting dirty.  Turnpike promised that they only run for 30 minutes and we'll be good when the time comes; and they did; and we were.
  • Someone said something funny. 9 Lives said it should make the backblast.  It however became lost to the abyss that is my short term memory.  #cobains.  But rest assured I do remember it being funny.
  • If you missed this workout, you missed out on God.  I'm not going to go so far as to say this was a God-ordained workout but….. There was a very light sprinkling of rain for a few minutes.  In COT, 9 Lives gave God the glory for the light drizzle and thanked Him for holding off the full rain.  We then all fist bumped and 1 minute later, down came the rain.
  • Thanks to 66 for affording me the opportunity to lead this fine group of men today.