Lil Mosey

Event Date

Mar 10, 2020

Two dudes came out to the Quarry to pay proper homage to the American rapper known as Lil Mosey, and to get a workout in to boot


Dynamic stretching platter

The Thang

Lil Mosey tour of the Quarry.  Few laps around the school with a smattering of pain stations along the way

Mosey to track area

  • 10 pull-ups oyo

  • 10 knee lifts oyo

Mosey long way around school

  • Calf raises x 50

  • Mike Tyson – 10 I/C

Mosey to gate

  • One legged squats – 10 I/C each leg

  • Gate pull-ups – 10 I/C

Mosey to garden area

  • Decline mercans – 10- I/C

  • Left leg step ups – 10 I/C

  • Incline mercans – 10 I/C

  • Right leg step ups – 10 I/C

  • Dips – 10 I/C

  • Box jumps – 10

Mosey to covered ab station area

  • Ankle ups – 20 I/C

  • Leg lifts – 20

  • High flutter – 20 I/C

  • Low flutter – 20 I/C

  • Low dolly – 20 I/C

  • Ankle taps – 20 I/C

  • Freddie Mercury – 20 I/C

Mosey to parking lot

  • Shuttle run forward, side, backwards on all lines

Mosey to Play 60 area

  • Overhead hanging hold – 30 seconds

  • Peoples Republic of Air chair – 1 minute

Mosey to track area

  • Underhand hanging hold – 30 seconds

Mosey to covered ab station area

  • Crunch with leg lifts – 20 I/C

  • Windshield wipers – 20 I/C


  • There may have been some daylight savings fartsackers this am. Or perhaps it’s a case of post Natty Week lethargy. Or perhaps its from fears of a global pandemic

  • Update from the road: Albuquerque is a shat hole

  • “My arms hurt.”

    • “Did you work out hard yesterday?”

      • “No, I just had some recommended immunizations done"

  • Perhaps one should not call cadence counting on either the one legged squats or gate pull-ups

  • Overheard on the Mosey Tour: “I really need to work on my grip”

  • Catch phrases are life lessons

  • Did some scouting/scoping on the tour for potential River Oaks service project ideas for the future. Surprisingly for this time of year, the bush is not that unkempt

  • That was a solid – Great work holmes!