Limber Opportunity

Event Date

May 16, 2023


Six of the MIL’s limberest came out to Cobalt to exercise their right for limberness. Besides the Q fail, it was a solid


  • As previously noted, we shan’t be retelling just what and how was performed, so it’s a Moleskine only kind of recap. You’re welcome
  • Q’s early morning driveway car logistics (aka, Tetris) contribute to his forgetting both the mat and (what horror) the portable speaker. At least I found a coupla sweatshirts in wifey’s car to use on the court that helped the knees out some
  • Schwinn is bringing bagels from Goodwurst to the MILFS Get Your Rear in Gear sprint triathlon. Or perhaps just some snack size Slim Jim’s.
  • It’s fairly difficult to have a fairly illegitimate fundraiser without a beneficiary that would add some legitimacy to the proceedings. Beneficiary’s in flight. I just don’t want to disappoint Grip
  • Retinas were burned with just how light it was at 5:30 am. No prolonged gayze please
  • Overheard during the workout:
    • “Natty’s mat looks like it’s from yoga day at an inner city Boys and Girls club
    • “New outreach slogan: Get ON on your mat; and OFF the street”
  • Flatulence was sure a flying this am
  • This just in: Grip felt it
  • We learned how to both “Shine the knees” and “Grab for the ankles”
  • Solid work homies!