Limp Biscuit

Event Date

Dec 13, 2019

The Cauldron met at DPK today to stay warm and dry. Why anyone would attend The General today is beyond YHC's comprehension, but different strokes for different folks. 7 met up at 5:30 and shared the deck with a few FiA ladies, but then we quickly made our way to the basement.



  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Burpee x 1 OYO
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Burpee x 5 OYO



It was a bunch of curls and skull crushers and back exercises, some abs too. Ran up some stairs, ran down some stairs. Bunyan showed up a little late but no worse for wear. Burpees were performed. Did some ramps up and lunge walked back down. You'll need to look at another Cauldron backblast for exercise ideas. Cobains.



  • Low Flutter x 25 IC
  • LBC x 20 IC
  • Plank
  • Peter Parker x 10 IC
  • Parker Peter x 10 IC
  • Walk bells to cars

Recover. Recover.



  • Qbert made Frogger blush today when he educated us on Limp Biscuits. There really isn't anything else I can write in here that will top that.
  • 5 enjoyed coffeeteria at Main Street Coffee and talked about credit card fraud and hiding scented bullets from the M.
  • Good luck to all those running the Huntersville Half tomorrow!


Thanks Ultraman for the opportunity to lead and thanks to all those who braved the storm to get their kettlebell on. Until next time – CB