Liquid Sunshine was upon Burpocolypse this morning…

Event Date

Feb 23, 2016


It was a stormy and gloomy morning at Fallout this morning, and YHC plus four brave PAX busted out of the fartsack and decided to get wet and checkout what Burpocolyps is all about – two for a short standard ruck as wel (YHC, 66)…this is how the beatdown went down:


Mosey around the parking lot

SSH x 25 IC

IST x 15IC

Windmill x 10IC

Cotton Pickers x 10IC



Mosey to track for Burpocolyps

Station 1 = 10 Burpees

Run 50yds

Station 2 = 10 Burpees, run up hill 20 Squats

Run 50 yds

Station 3 = 10 Burpees, run up hill 20 Squats, down hill 10 Merkins

Run 75yds

Station 4 = 10 Burpees, 20 Squats, 10 Merkins, 20 Flutter Kicks IC

Run 75yds

Station 5 = 10 Burpees, 20 Squats, 10 Merkins, 20 Flutter Kicks IC, 10 CDD's

Run 50 yds

Station 6 = 10 Burpees, 20 Squats, 10 Merkins, 20 Flutter Kicks IC, 10 CDD's, 10 JumpSquats


40lbs Sandbag partner relays x 2 for about 80yds

Plank while waiting for partner

Mosey to parking lot for Mary


LBC x 25IC

Touch them Heels x 20 IC

Homer to Marge x 4


Should Touch Merkins x 15


Great to see the guys this morning and hangining in for a new workout – excellent work.  Rain held off so for all those fartsackers, you missed a good workout.  Have no fear it will be back and better then ever in the near future.

Not many complaints or questions this AM regarding exercises and counts, YHC had giant water proof winkies at each station so that all was clear as mud

Thanks for allowing me to test a new workout, your patience is appreciated.  Announcements – brew ruck in June, Range night in March, Men's Retreat in April 🙂

Until next time
