
Event Date

Oct 10, 2017


4 in the gloom this morning, including returning FNG Mike, named during COT (see below).

Warm Up: (x = in cadence)
20x SSH
10x windmills
20x mountain climbers
10x toy soldiers
10x merkins
10x low country crabcakes

Head back to the back, grab some 33# blocks, return to the parking lot:
Set up the blocks on their side, with about 5' between them
Jumping reminders: explode up, land soft, reset before each jump, not a race
forward broad hop over blocks
merkin walk right across blocks (down when right hand up)
lateral hop right
merkin walk left across (down when left hand up)
lateral hop left
forward broad hop over blocks
one last merkin walk, merkin when either hand raised
*** YHC had a snafu and missed the first lateral hop left
*** t-claps to Skipper for mentioning; we doubled up the 2nd time through

mosey up the LB hill with blocks over head
set them down out of the way
plank while a couple cars clear the route
*** nearly called for monkey humpers, #feelingneighborly

mosey to 1st light, backwards to 2nd light
side-to-side right back to 1st light, s-t-s other way to 2nd light
10x trifectas
repeat the mosey and side-to-side run
return back to pkg lot with blocks over head

inch worm merkin(!) up the parking lot, mosey back
*** thanks Skipper, not
15x low country crab cakes
take blocks back to the back
max pull ups / jump up and slow negative drop

20x LBC
10x box cutters (5 each side)
20x Jane Fondas (10 each side)
10x Fonda Janes (inner leg lifts, 5 each side)
1 minute American Hammer

Reflection:  Proverbs 19:20-21
20 Listen to counsel, receive instruction, and accept correction, that you may be wise in the time to come.
21 Many plans are in a man’s mind, but it is the Lord’s purpose for him that will be carried out.
– As I work through the process of my next job, these verses struck a cord.
– I noticed v20 included 3 things to be wise, all of them requiring others' feedback and guidance.
– None of them mentioned sharing my thoughts, babbling to others about it, or charging forward without guidance.
– I pray my next job will glorify the Lord and carry out my purpose.
– I need to listen and receive more guidance on that.

– Welcome back Mike, the Westerm Georgia graduate, the recent career changer as a realtor and house renovator.  I thought we were leaning towards HotYoga due to the sweatshirt on this surprisingly steamy morning.  Apparently, we like alliteration, so Skipper's idea of Flipper gained acceptance.  Skipper, Tipper, and Flipper…felt like I should change my name to Chipper…
– Afterwards, we realized there is already a Fliper in the LKN region, so we may have to go with a name change.  HotYoga is still there.  HotNuts is funny but probably in that grey area.  Skipper via text suggests LockBox…I like it and we'll bring it before the naming council at Flipper's next workout.
– Enjoyed today.  The steam was unexpected.  Where is October?

Thank you for the honor of leading fellas.  
Have a purposeful day.