Little Baby Big V…

Event Date

Nov 08, 2018


The rest of the PAX in spirit, missed you…

Nice showing of 11 Paxers for a Little Baby Hilless Dandelion Q, in honor of Little Baby Big V:


SSH – 50IC

Plank Jacks – 25IC

Mountian Climbers – 25IC

Cotton Pickers – 10IC

Copperhead Squats – 25IC

Windmills – 10IC

Merkins – 15IC

Head to the back…

The Thang:

5 Mores – Round 1:

Block Curls for Girls – 55

Block Skull Crushers – 55

Block Rows – 55

Mini-Meat Grinder – Round 1:

Hanging Toe Touches – 10

Little Baby Dips – 20

Australian Rows – 10

Squats – 20

5 Mores – Round 2:

Block Curls for Girls – 55

Block Skull Crushers – 55

Block Rows – 55

Mini-Meat Grinder – Round 2:

Hanging Toe Touches – 10

Little Baby Dips – 20

Australian Rows – 10

Squats – 20

5 Mores – Round 3:

Block Curls for Girls – 55

Block Skull Crushers – 55

Block Rows – 55

Mini-Meat Grinder – Round 3:

Hanging Toe Touches – 10

Little Baby Dips – 20

Australian Rows – 10

Squats – 20

Head to the parking lot…

WWI Sit-Ups – 30

Jane Fonda: Right – 25IC

One-Legged Inverted Glute Bridge Pickle Pounders: Right – 10IC

One-Legged Inverted Glute Bridge Pickle Pounders: Left – 10IC

Jane Fonda: Left – 25IC

Bear Crawl up the parkinjg lot, Mosey Back

WWI Sit-Ups – 30

Jane Fonda: Right – 25IC

One-Legged Inverted Glute Bridge Pickle Pounders: Right – 10IC

One-Legged Inverted Glute Bridge Pickle Pounders: Left – 10IC

Jane Fonda: Left – 25IC

Bear Crawl up the parking lot, Mosey Back


Hidden throughout…


3 to 4 sets of 30 to 50 Merkins @ least every other day…


Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17 ESV

I have seen this reflected before, but felt called to backblast it yet again following our F3 Denver efforts this past weekend @ the Lake Norman Basin Run Relay. Lots of men sharpening men for sure. 


– It was the roughest NOT to abuse the LBH in my Q today… But when a brother is down, what is a Q to do???

– Wow! The mumble chatter would have overwhelmed an unsharpened man. So grateful to have been recently sharpened!

– 11 posting is respectible, enjoyed y'alls presence!

Respectfully & gratefully,
