Little Hill Work

Event Date

Dec 26, 2019


7 showed for the day after Christmas work at Cobalt. FNG-1 is  Natty Lite's bro (Ragbrai). Disclaimer said within first ten minutes.


SSH X 20 IC, Merkins X 15 IC, Cherry Pickers X 10 IC, Merkins X 15 IC


Mosey to Preservation Point with some stops along the way with some good abs and other stuff. Big hill at Preservation Point. Launched from cul-de-sac at bottom of hill to cul-de-sac at top of hill. Three times up and down. First is full sprint to top of hill. Circle for some abs. Jog back down. Second is sprint to top stopping at each mailbox on the way up for 5 merkins OYO. Cirble at top for some abs. Third is backwards run up the hill. Circle at top for some more abs.

Run back to clubhouse parking lot with two stops along the way to circle for abs and other stuff.

Last circle to clubhouse AYG run to finish for some Mary.

2.7 miles total. Not quite enough for Mojito, but Q tried to accommodate the request for some miles.


  • Great work today by all. Natty's bro (FNG-1 / Paul / Ragbrai) put it together today.
  • There was a correlation made today between Q and Grinch and heart sizes being 2 sizes too small…..may have hurt but didn't show it.
  • Krug made it out today – we didn't recognize him at first, but were sure glad to see you bro. How did the shed cleaning turn out?
  • Ozzie – where you at man? No return texts??
  • Reflecting on the year….44th Q for 2019….been really cool to lead a bunch of workouts but even better to get to know this pax the way I have this year. Thank you for letting me lead today and all the others.
  • Thanks for taking us out Surf and Turf…you always have a way with the right words.