So here it is at long last….. first Back Blast in the new format…. I am (I guess) getting old and tend to resist change…. once I signed up and lost all account info as to login and password, The ever Diigent Black Beard reset my password at least 4 times and gave me a new login, which I can now remember….

Last Friday (yes 01/08/16) as contemplating after kid stuff, wife stuff and stuff stuff, whether I could make the Roast of Mini Me, realization came from Master Q of the Glenn stating "good thing I (he) didnt go as he wasnt feeling well"…. Last minute change and passing of the baton…

As stated earlier as I am getting older, not only do I tend to forget/ lose passwrord and log in info, but also forget what excercises we do and theat type of thing to…. here are some of the things that people seemed to like that day…

So to start out, I believe we went right into 10 Burpees

then with a little mosey to a parking lotthrew in some dynamic warm up consisting of

butt kickers, high knees, carioca,

cop #1 ssh x 50 IC

mt climbers, merkins, stuff, not sure how many

mosey again to crack shack, split into two groups…. one group rotated merkins, squats, burpees, other group pull ups, table shoulder presses etc/ flip flop

some mary etc….. good times….

For the Day, there were (3) Ruckers in Big Mean, Pierogi and Cupcake, then the "Bootlegger"Crew, some (Chief, Fiddler, Love Shack, Hummer) for the Double Down and those who had to start the day off with real lives…Caine, Ussain and Agent Orange

As always, I apologize when shirking duties such as Backblast, but thank you for continuing to give me opportunities to lead you fine men