LKN’s Basin Run Relay: Making F3 great again

Event Date

Feb 01, 2018



Date: November 2nd/3rd 2017

PAX: Embiggened members of the Lake Norman and surrounding communities

Well gang we pulled it off. Thanks to the help of too many to count, F3's very own relay race was a success. We have some tweaks here and there to make for next year, however, overall feedback was positive in our first public foray. 

There was a pre-party in which some racers partook. There was alot of hullabaloo in the middle when people were competing. Bigmean and I took turns being awestruck on how great it was such a dumb idea worked out. There was some more partying at the end with an open brewery and a pancake breakfast. 

Basin status: reinvigorated

Thanks to our sponsors and revenue from the race we were able  to make the following donations:

  1. $2,700 to the Movember Foundation – "The only charity tackling men’s health on a global scale, year round; addressing some of the biggest health issues faced by men: prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention."
  2. $100 to each of the non-profit exchange zones that allowed us to utilize their parking lots with our frivolity. Approx $1,000 in total. 

The leftover funds will go into the F3 Lake Norman account and will serve to further growth initiatives, all 3 Fs, CSAUP and marketing. 

We'll plan on putting this party on every year for as long as people will have us. Thanks for your support.
