Logging Time at Viking with 40 lb Larry Log ! He Small I Tell U

Event Date

Mar 20, 2018


Crazy 8 took on Viking like it was NOT their job and had fun with new friend, Larry the Log ! 57 temp with 99% humidity got the sweat juices flowing.

Mosey around the parking lot with mix of butt kickers, high knees, side straddles, and caraoka.

Warmorama: (next to the 2011 Barcelona Red Toyota Camry – Road Warrior Beast)

SSH x 20 IC, Windmill x 10 IC, IST x 15 IC, Merican x 10 IC, & Toy Soldier x 10 IC

Check the open trunk for Larry Log.  He must be moved NOW.

Mosey to bottom of front entrance of North Meck Park.  Cones were placed just prior to divide the entrance into sub-sections.


Every pax took turn carrying Larry to the 2nd cone (~80 yards) and back on shoulder or across back of neck.  40 lbs confirmed post-beatdown but with smooth bark, this Stud was a Welcome Power Add.

Pax #1 – Carry Larry

Remaining 7 pax, suicides to each cone & entrance island making 3 trips out, then Mericans x 10 OYO single count each time (30 total)

Repeato above with Squats x 15 (45 total)

Repeato above with Burpees x 5 (15 total)

All pax had a chance to meet Larry up close & personal – FUN  was had

Mosey back toward main parking lot trading off carrying Larry.  No log left behind

Stop Mid Hill

LBC x 20 IC, Alt Lunges x 10 IC, Staggered Mericans x 10 IC (each side)

Mosey to Rock Pile – Come on Larry


High Curl x 10 IC, Low Curl x 10 IC, Full Curl x 10 IC, Goblet Squat x 12 IC, Bent Over Row x 15 IC

Mosey back to parking lot for MARY.


Pass the buck

Smores –  Airborne Mind Bender turned to Nasty Homer to Marge Medley including Low Fluttter, Rosalita & BS

Stapler – WWII situps.

Moop Dog – box cutter crazy tempo – Yikes.  Nice !

Olive – ? Painful though

Stromboli – Crunchy Frog.

Earl Grey – Rosalita.

Boar Hog – ? Painful though

YHC – 30 elbow plank.

TIME – Done

Rumple Moleskin:

1 – Great to see 7 pax join me for new MQ appointment from Stromboli !  Great AO.  Come check it out !

2 – Pax seemed to begin to love Larry the Log as I did even taking many turns moving him.  At 40 lbs & smooth bark, that Boy is a great F3 Coupon !  U D Man, Larry.  Bringing you back soon.

3 – Humidity was brutal not knowing how fast we would heat up.  Sweat fest !  Skin never looked better.  Eat that Toxins !

4 – Dave Camp "F3 Smores" is alive !  Bring on the Mumblechatter.

Love my F3 Brothers !  Fill Huge Gaps in my many solo work hours.  Wicked Awesome Gloom & Taco Tuesday in the City !

Mayhem (in the AM)