Longest 10 seconds of my life, Sally

10 PAX showed in the gloom on this comfortable Monday morning to get uncomfortable.  FNG-1 is Q’s cousin TJ from New Jersey.  It was his second foree into F3 so he was named.  Neighbuh is his F3 name. 

it went a little something like this: 


Lap around school


ISt IC x 12

Toy Soldiers UC x10

Long snappers IC x 10



The Thang:

Circle up for round of exercises.  1 PAX walks around the circle doing KB around the worlds whilst Q calls an exercise. variety of exercises performed until everyone walked the circle.  

Short parking lot mosey,  repeato except the PAX walking the circle gave the order on which exercise he did not have to do while everyone else did. 

We then held our KBs for a wonderful rendition of Bring Sally up, bring sally down whilst squatting with KBs in accordance with the lyrics.  It was a tough 3 minutes and 28 seconds depending on who you believe counted the last 10. 

Finally, partner up for some DORA.  Partner A runs from end of parking lot to first car and back while partner 2 works with KB.  100 curls, 200 shoulder presses, 300 calf raises (regrettable). 



Kb lo flutter, the W,  pidgeon,  etc etc


Don’t forget about polar plunge, Operation Sweet Tooth run coming up.  Prayers to all who are in need.


Had a blast and honor to lead this group this morning.  





