Look For It In The Red Part

Event Date

Mar 23, 2022

7 men rolled the dice that the rain would hold off and were rewarded (at least for 38 minutes) with a precipitation free workout.  


  • 49 SSH IC
  • 14 Toy Soldiers IC
  • 14 Grandma Mater's IC
  • 14 Windmills IC
  • 7 Dr W's

The Thang

  • Partial Parking Lot Circuit
    • Corner 1 – 14 merkins
    • Corner 2 – 14 squats
    • Corner 3 – 14 LBC's
    • Corner 4 – 7 burpees
    • 4x around
  • Pull Up Bar Circuit
    • 7 pull ups
    • 14 diamond merkins
    • 14 pretzel crunch
    • 14 monkey humpers
    • Karaoke across the field to the hill and back (this was a real crowd pleaser)
    • 4x


  • 14 low flutters IC
  • 14 low dolly's IC
  • 14 box cutters IC
  • 7 Dr W's /IC
  • 14 Freddie Mercuries IC

Reflection:  Colossians 3:13 Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you

MC – YHC was sucking wind the entire time and missed most of the conversation.  Worth pointing out the rain held off until Mary.  Also the reflection is courtesy of Thrift Shop, as he suggested I ask him for forgivemenss multiple times as he was less than thrilled with the beatdown.  The appropriate bible verse regarding forgiveness would be found highlighted 'in the red part' of my bible.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead these fine me.  Namaste, Bertha