Look, kids! There’s Big Ben, There’s Parliament!

Event Date

Dec 21, 2015

7 men tried their hardest to escape the reverse roundabout but just couldn’t seem to get left!




10 IC MC

10 IC Merkins

10 IC Cotton pickers

10 IC Tony Hawks

10 IC Windmills

10 IC Squats



Indian Run the long way around the parking lot to the “short track” near the flagpole in front of the high school.

Look kids! Big Ben – Parliament!  

Split up into two teams.  Team A does a lap around the short track in the prescribed manner.  Team B does Merkins – declined for the sprint laps, inclined or regular (PAX choice) for all other laps.

Each lap is anywhere from 100 – 120 yards depending on which groove you choose.  Watch out for the speedy-dry in turns 1 and 2.

                                Team A                                                 Team B

Circuit 1:    Sprint /  Decline Merkins

Circuit 2:              Karaoke Right                                    Merkins / Incline Merkins

Circuit 3:              Karaoke Left                                      Merkins / Incline Merkins

Circuit 4:              Sprint                                                 Decline Merkins

Circuit 5:              Butt Kickers                                       Merkins / Incline Merkins

Circuit 6:              High Knees                                       Merkins / Incline Merkins

Circuit 7:              Sprint                                                Decline Merkins

Circuit 8:              Lunge Walk the Backstretch             Merkins / Incline Merkins

Circuit 9:              Bear Crawl the Backstretch              Merkins / Incline Merkins

Circuit 10:            Sprint                                                Decline Merkins

Circuit 11:            Karaoke Right                                   Merkins / Incline Merkins

Circuit 12:            Karaoke Left                                     Merkins / Incline Merkins

Mosey back to the AO base – take the long way around the parking lot.



15 IC Peter Parker

15 IC Dying Cockroach

15 IC Mason twist



No specific verse for the day.  Just a follow-up discussion to one that began last week on the F3 site (http://f3nation.com/2015/12/17/king-of-the-world/) and carried into a group text for some of us on how we handle those potential members (or perhaps existing ones) who may be uncomfortable with exposure to the 3rd F.

It’s a difficult position to be in.

  • Do we cling together with those that already think like we do or do we accept that some might just want F1 and F2?
  • Is it part of our faith already to accept, into the group, those currently without faith show them what we believe?
  • Do we run the risk of becoming uncomfortable sharing our faith at F3 events if some of our membership expresses a desire to be shielded from it?

I don’t claim to have the answer for any of this but would encourage each of us to give it some thought.  As we grow, I imagine we will face this issue more often.


  • Since the Q had the pleasure of finding himself as an unexpected tourist in downtown London on Saturday and, consequently found his way to Parliament Square, he couldn’t resist the temptation to work in a reference to European Vacation. Thus the seemingly never-ending laps around the roundabout in the wrong (clockwise) direction and the occasional spouting of “Look kids! Big Ben – Parliament!”
  • Q felt wrong using a workout that was most definitely designed to be led by our very own Clark.
  • Following 9 days on the road doing very little exercise and eating a lot of Italian food, the Q took an extra-long time to warm-up and stretch out today.
  • Merkins everywhere – didn’t even attempt to keep count.
  • Thoughts and prayers extended for C#’s back to heal up quickly and for Handsome Rob’s continued recovery.
  • Lots of mumble-chatter today – mainly from Closer. Boy’s not even breathing heavy anymore 😉  #DudeIsInShapeNow
  • Jet lag had the Q wide-awake for the workout and wondering where the enthusiasm for IC counts was 😉
  • Having PAX made up completely of members of the “Wheels Team” had Q questioning his worthiness to lead today #TheseBoysAreFast!
  • As always, an absolute privilege to be a part of this and an honor to lead.
  • Don’t know if anyone is interested but the Fifth Anniversary of F3 convergence will take place on 1/1/16 in Charlotte at A.G. Middle School. Details at http://f3nation.com/2015/12/16/the-fifth-anniversary-convergence-1116/ .  Sound off in the comments if you are interested in helping to arrange a clown-car parade.