Looked hard on paper and it was!

Event Date

Jun 21, 2016

Warm Up: Mosey down the steps to the track where the bags and bell were already setup 100 yards apart. Started with (20) Side-straddle-hop…(20) Cotton pickers…(20) Windmills   

Tha' Thang:

Round 1:   (20) Kettlebell  Swings …….run 100 yards…….. (10) Sandbag Cleans……repeat for 9 Minute!

Round 2: (10) Turkish get up’s…….run 100 yards…….. (10) Sandbag Lunge’s ……repeat for 9 Minute!

Round 3: (20) Kettlebell Row 10…….run 100 yards…….. (10) Up and over Sandbag Squats ……repeat for 9 Minute!

Round 4: (20) Russian Twist…….run 100 yards…….. (10) Sandbag Burpees……repeat for 9 Minute!

Mary: Return the bells and bags up the stairs to the car with overhead carry then (20) LBC, (20) WW2 Sit ups, (20) Freddie Mercury’s, (20) Monkey Humpers and  a 45 sec plank. 

Recover! Recover!


T-Claps to everyone who made it out…which was 2 of F3’s finest, TBC and myself! 

The workout looked hard on paper and it was confirmed by TBC when we started Turkish gets ups in round 2 and ended round 4 with Sandbag burpee’s!  

TBC quotes. – “This is Stupied”  and “haha…Sandbag Burbee’s…ha”

Thanks for letting me lead even if it was just one for today’s workout.  It’s an honor and a true privilege to be a part of F3Naton!