Looky What I Found

Event Date

Apr 26, 2018


It was a beutiful, dry morning as 6 men (and one dalmation) gathered in the parking lot of Lake Forest Church to embark on a journey.  Here is how it happened:

Mosey to the back of the parking lot by way of a snake route.  This included some high knees (the full length of a parking area), to which Olive noted that it was a lot of high knees.  In the next row we did a full length of butt kickers.  Circle up by the pull up bars.

Warmorama cosisted of SSH, IST, and CP's

YHC was going to do a couple more but I opted to press forward to the main event.  We walked over to the bushes by the back light pole to discover a glorious stack of new cinder blocks that were just waiting to be used.  Each man grab a block

Partner up.  Partner 1 grabs 2 blocks and farmer walk snaking through the lot towards the front.  Partner 2 doe 5 burpees, 10 LBC'c, and 15 merkins.  Run and cath up with your partner, flapjack.  Keep going until we reached the front row.

Arm time.  10 low curls, 10 high curls, 10 full curls.  Next was the lawnmower 10 each arm.  Olive was once observant on the continuous bicep exercises.

Zamperini over to the wall

People's chair with block 2X 

Zamperini back to the cars

Skull crushers and shoulder presses were next

At this point YHC had a great idea.  We put all the blocks in a line, left to right, with spce inbetween.  The task was start at the first block and move all the way down by doing a merkin on the block, uneven merkin (left on block, right on ground), merkin inbetween blocks, uneven merkin (right on block, left on ground), and then continue down the line.  Come back around and do it a second time.

Yeah that sucked.  Hard.  Much mumble chatter came from this.  It is like a colonoscopy, although it is healthy to have done it really sucks.  But, we made it through and are better for it.

We performed another round of low, high and full curls.  We then did a repeato of the partner snake to the back with an audible to do squats instead of merkins.  Somewhere I had thrown in a lap of the lot to give the arms a rest.  I think it was after the shoulder presses.  We made it to the back and returned the blocks to the stack.  At this point it was 6:14 and we had just enough time to run back up front.  Recover Recover.

It was a great day. 

Thanks to Outsource for coming out to support  and add to the numbers.

Glad Olive was able to make it and also get through the workout

Thanks to  the Hoff for taking time off of his singing tour in Germany to be with us.

Limburger and Luther are always a treat to have around

Always good to see Bob Ross adn continue the name condusion.  Should get nametags

Prayers up for the daughter of on of Ditks's friends that was diagnosed with myocarditis, my sister having gall bladder surgery today, and Holiday's father in law. 

Everyone pushed hard, sweated, and made it to the end.  I appreciate all of those that made it out.  It is always a great day to be able to be here again and share the joy of togetherness.  Until next time!