Loosely Affiliated Run Workout

Event Date

Aug 15, 2018

Giselle, Frodo, Optimus – not available in PAX list

Halflife has always had no problem counting runners which are in the general vacinity of #BRP during workout hours.  Today was no exception. 

Before the run even started, Fenway announced his arrival with squeeling tires and a particularly agressive curb check during parking.  That car takes a beating!  It was the general consensus that he was likely still out from the night before.  Nothing a few Monster drinks can't handle…

The run started with 9 until Prime Time and Mortimer chose to go their own way.  They looked especially together in their matching blue shorts and bare chests.  For probably the first time in the history of the world, PT had SHORTER shorts than Mort.  Yeah, you read that right! 

With the remaining 7, we proceeded the long way to the entrance to the retirement village.  A long and confusing description of the route ensued.  Dumbfounded, the PAX chose to set out on the route and hope for the best.  Luckily Kachow got enough of the instructions to not lose his way because it was not long before he was out of sight.  #toofast

The plan was 4 x 1.5 mi at marathon pace -10 sec with a 800m recovery jog between intervals.  The intervals were painful but the recovery offered a chance to chat about how much weight Optimus needs to lose and therefore fat shaming YHC.  #integratedweightvest  Kumquat would have none of the discussion and demonstrated that he is back to form with some dominant intervals out there. 

Once the intervals and cool down were over, it was discovered that the Respect, Respect, Respect Giselle (71 yrs) had joined around 5:45 and ran the final interval with the group.  What? I hope my old bones are still holding together at that age much less be in that kind of shape.  Much respect!

Overall, it was a great day of running.  Thank you all for continuing to push!