6 Brave Men met in the gloom to be greeted by the LOP!
FNG-1 = Surf and Turf
High Knees, Skip, Windmills, Side Straddle Hops, Toy Soldiers, Cotton Pickers
The Thing:
LOP= Line of Pain
Seven stations were set up and pax did 12 reps at each station except the bench exercises, 8 reps at those two stations.
- LBC's
- Ab Roller
- Kettlebell Swing
- Bench Press with dumbbells
- Skull Crushers (tricep extensions) with just shoulders lying on bench
- Gun Show (Curls)
- Front and Lateral raise combo
- Tailgate merkins/ Decline Merkins if waiting on station
- Dips if waiting on station
Run to stop sign and back
Pax did 3 rounds of the above, after 3 round, run was about 2x the length of the first two runs.
- Pax were greeted by a fresh paved blocked off parking lot, so, LOP was in the street. Q used F250 as barrier to shield LOP from oncoming traffic.
- Ab roller didn't like the little scattered asphalt remnants, made it sound and feel like each roll was it last…it made it to the finish!
- Welcome back Hambone! Great to see one of the OG's of the Quarry!
- Evidently early morning Nashville Downtown runs are very aromatic…
- Hambone evidently has a new G
- Q was a little too ambitious with the last run.
- Pax found a new station for Q to do Dips, great for future workouts.
- Surf and Turf looking strong!
- Great work men!