Lost & Found

Event Date

Nov 18, 2017

9 PAX braved the chilly air to once again take a trip down Clubber Lane. All began together, and all ended together, however all did not stay together.

Warm Up brought to you by DJ Closer on the 1s&2s your DJ in the PJs

  1. RoL
  2. LoR
  3. Arm circles
  4. IC 20 SSH
  5. IC 10 cotton pickers
  6. IC 10 mtn climbers
  7. IC 10 ISW

The Thang

Scout run, around parking lot including flag pole, then back to LP. A Scout run is similiar to the Indian run; however the lead PAX was told to sprint ahead to the time of ICx2, then sprint to the end of the line, next PAX up…rinse/repeat.

Circle up at LP to complete Imperial Trong. All PAX began completing imperial storm troopers and did not complete until every PAX said a prayer out loud. Need some more of that 3rd F. Only 9 of us, and I felt it, spiritually and physically.

Mosey to CSE school, back basketball court for a round of Howling Monkeys. Here, all PAX form a circle and hold ankles to being monkey humpers, however only one PAX at a time, while all others hold position. The PAX complete 10, then the next, we are not done unitl all complete. Not too bad, only 9 of us.

Mosey to baseball field for F3 baseball.

Each base has an exercise, and the teams must complete the called reps to advance a base. Once the team passes their start base a point is earned, the team w the most points wins the prize, which is nothing.

  • Home plate – 200 monkey humpers
  • 1st – 200 squats
  • 2nd – 200 LBC
  • 3rd – 200 SSH

One team of 3 had to complete 300 of each above mentioned item.

Mosey to the woods for the rest. The "rest" didn't happen. Q and three others went left on the north trail, while the other 6 stayed straight, and finished a run through Prospect Hills and back up Hwy 73. Closer fell entering the trails and the five helped him up and on. Q and 3 went back to LP. Q noticed some others coming from 73 and decided to go get the six, still wondering why everyone else didn't join?

Another scout run this time the lead sprints forward then runs backwards. Some got lazy stating you can just stand still until the line cathes up. Hey, you do you, if you need that type of scale…

Mary go round

Reflection brought to us by DJ Closer this time with an injured knee

All about family including Mark 3:33-35 (will come back and ctrl-c/ctrl-v the entire piece)


  • Q always attempts to change things up and leverage lexicon to capture new items to the AO
  • Lots of grumbling on the howling monkeys and baseball game
  • Apologies to all about the misdirection on the trail run
  • 73 is not where we want to be running, unless its between the hours of 11pm and 2am #BRR
  • Comment away
  • Do people read these?
  • Yes, it's late…