FINALLY….. YHC has been trying to Q at Dragon Slayer and MQ Cherry Bomb has converged, canceled, basically done whatever he could to hold a man down. Well today was my chance…
3 men showed for the 2.5 mile running standard and then went straight into the 50 Burpee standard then bells were rounded up for 45 minutes of pain.
Warmorama: (started at 5:29 and 30 seconds)
20 SSH, 10 Windmills, 15 Toy Soldiers
The Thang:
KB Station 6 exercises 15 curls, 15 skull crushers, 15 lawn mowers, 15 overhead press, 30 chest press, 15 V ups
Run to Pullup Forest
Body Weight Station 4/5 exercises 10 burpee into pullups, 25 merkins, 25 Squats, 25 LBCs
Run long way back to station 1
3 Rounds total
15 Merkins, 10 Burpees, Chrunchy Frog, Mason Twist, Recover Recover
Todays totals (if you did all 3 activites):
- 3.5 miles of running
- 90 Burpees
- 90 Merkins
- 30 pullups
- 75 Squats
- 75 LBCs
- 90 Chest Press with Bell
- 45 Curls, Overhead Press, Skull Crushers,
- and more…
- Cold and quite morning, very little mubblechatter, YHC views that as you were pleased with your beatdown, great to see men getting stronger everyday!
- Popcorn is much faster without his hoodie on
- Sling Shot and Tugs were absent, as CB sent them to Samson to get a "good workout" whatever that means but no sign of them on the Samson BB.
- Lessons for Cherry Bomb from the pax, even young men should were a hat when its 29 degrees
- Don Ho doesn't like to be asked for specific exercises, even though instructions were clear
- Tclaps to Uncle Rico for calling out YHC on my Perrier inspired Squats, he ensured round 2 and 3 were acceptable but still not good.
- Prayers for many this am, keep them in your thoughts and continue to make a difference every day
- Thanks to Cherry Bomb for the option to lead and to all the Pax for coming out this am, until the next time