Lotsa lunges and rocks at Fission (oh, and some running)

Also Kermit, Bones not registered; FNG Eric (first post)

19 gathered in a less hot, less sticky gloom to tackle Fission as fall approaches.  Here's what we did:


SSH x 15, Windmill x 15, Cotton Picker x 15, Mountain Climber x 15, slow deep squat x 10 (all IC)

The Thang:

Indian run to gazebo, then partner up

3/4 of a lap around gazebo square with partner 1 lunging while partner 2 ran the square to catch and relieve partner 1; continue laps and switching until we reach Oakhurst Blvd again

High knees, butt kickers, regular to next corner, mosey to top of hill

Mericans x 10 IC, Scorpion dry docks x 10 IC

Mosey to rock pile, find your partner for DORA

100 squat / curl per team, partner 1 starts and partner 2 runs to top of hill for 1 8-count body builder (Bama was asked to pick a number between 1 and 3, and he chose 1, wisely)

1 round each of skull crushers, then return rocks and start the long mosey back

Top of hill – Al Gore

At Oakhurst and Bailey, calf stretch

Quadrafeelya half way up the hill, mosey to stop sign

5 long, slow lunges each leg, mosey back to parking lot


Circle up for Mary

LBC x 15, Pretzel crunch x 10, Freddie Mercury x 10, Touch dem Heels x 15

Recover, Recover



– Good workout today amidst a pleasant temperature, finally; Hopefully fall weather is near

– Great to see a lot of guys out today.  With the kids back in school, it's time to get back to business.  Bring a friend – they need this too!

– It seemed further, but in total we clocked 2.2 miles today, plus the other pain (a lot of grumbles about the lunges, so I cut it a little short of a full lap, just to prevent a revolt); you guys are getting stronger every day — keep coming out!

– Funniest comment I heard today: From DriveThru laying on his back with no motion during Freddie Mercuries was something about Freddie being dead, so he wouldn't be doing any exercise

– Great to see the Oakhurst crew out in support today, and I didn't even EH them

– Thanks to Beetlejuice for taking us out.  He will also have the Q next week if he isn't down range


Waffle House