Lovely Rita

Event Date

Oct 29, 2018

The above plus Sea Biscuit, Cinderella, Heister and one other (sorry!) posted this AM for more music inspired pain.  The rule is that upon any Who, Beatles or Stones song, 10 burpees will be executed immediately.  This new rule put everyone on edge except for Marshall, who had never heard of any of those bands.  With that quasi disclaimer, we began.

Warmup- normal stretching and groaning, followed by 10 burpees, 20 merkins, 30 squats and 40 LBCs (remember that order).

Pain stop 1- behind Alumni Hall.  Task was 4 loops around parking lot interspersed with 10/20/30/40 as above.  But before lap 1, the silky voice of one Roger Daltrey (Who lead singer, Marshall….ask your dad) belted out "5:15" so we dropped right there for 10 bonus burpees before continuing on.

Pain stop 2- behind fire station.  Same 4 laps up and down, 10/20/30/40.  Cinderella and I passed the time by discussing cholesterol levels which was depressing.

Pain stop 3- DUMC.  Same 4 laps, 10/20/30/40.  On the second lap I heard the faint "Lovely Rita, Meter Maid" from my iphone but since it was deep into the workout, we ignored her, much like Sunday fall afternoons when the Panthers are on.

Jog back to Green for more Mary and the timeless JLo. 

COT-  thanks again for the opportunity to lead this morning.  Good positive energy and laughter.  Bijoux pointed out that we ran 3.3 miles plus 50 burpees, etc. so we had a full morning!  We lifted up Casey (Marshall's friend's son) and Blaise (Scorcese's step son) and their families after the tragic events of this weekend.  We prayed that God will lay His hands on them and give them all strength.  Hug your kids and always remember how precious life is!

Have a good week all.  GK




