Lovers Lawn Terrace

Cousin Eddie ran a standard. Goat was doing Goat things in the parking lot when YHC arrived.

We started off with a short mosey, followed by a standard warmarama.

We then moseyed to Lover Lawn Terrace for a ladder (only a town 10 minutes from Davidson could come up with the road name “Lovers Lawn Terrace”). We did a ladder (or 30s as Popcorn calls it) starting with 20 merkins at the top of the hill and ten squats at the bottom of the hill. After 20 mins, we had enough.

Mosey back to Harris Teeter for some ab work (WW2s, low flutter, dot the i). Then we bear crawled the length of the pharmacy pickup line that runs along the side of The Teet.

Mosey to other side of The Teet for some wall work. Dips, incline merkins and Bulgarian split squats.

Lunge walk back to launch for some Mary and mobility.


I had blast this morning with the Fission crew as I always do. Such a great group of men and AO!

Thanks to all the pax for showing up and for the hard effort!

Go see your dermatologist once per year. It’s much safer and cheaper than waiting until you have skin cancer.