Loving Denver with some partner work at The Mustang

Good sunday afternoon to you from the far east land of Huntersville!  Today I am reminesing about a time where 14 men emerged from a quiet saturday slumber to engage in a hot swetty mess they call The Mustang.  Here is their story:

First things first, somebody get Wild Thing signed up here!

0550: YHC shows up, secretly hoping nobody would join me because 1. I wanted some extra sleep and 2. I didn't want to run.

0555: Goodwrench and Abrams show up and ruin YHC extra nap.  But alas, when 2 or more are gathered, well, we ran.  Tclaps to you guys for circling back and pushing me through.  Sub 9s on those hills made me feel pretty good and having some conversation along the way makes this stuff fun!

0700: 11 more Pax joined in and we took it to the practice field.


SSH x 20 (IC)

IST x 20 (IC)

Cotton picker x 20 (IC)

To the line:

Wheel barrow 40 yds, flapjack, repeato

Partner Carry 40 yds, flapjack, repeato

Partner Pushes, 40 yds, flapjack, repeato

Mosey to the blocks

Zamparini til somebody gives up, 3 burpees for all when anybody drops the block.

Curls x 20 (IC)

Zamparini again

Bent over row x 20 (IC)

Skull Crushers x 20 (IC)

Repeato all but x 10 (IC)

Mosey to the track:

Partner 1: BTTW

Partner 2: Run to the playclock and back


Repeato w/ Peoples Chair

Repeato with Peoples chair and air presses

Repeato with LBCs

Move to the stadium:

Box jump up and crawl bear down x 5

Move to the field

Corner 1:

Squats x 20

WWII x 20

CDD x 20

Monkey Humpers x 20

Move to corner 2, repeato w/ 15 reps of each

Corner 3 with 10 reps

and Corner 4 with 5 reps

Back to the cars for some stretching and recover!


Great group of guys out there today, thanks for coming out and bringing the mumblechatter.

7 year old Air Ball worked harder than any 7 year old I know this AM.  That was awesome!

Thanks to Abrams and Goodwrench again, enjoyed that run but really didn't want to do it before!  #accountability.

Thanks to Clark for letting me come or asking me to come or whatever happened, I appreciate it.  Also thanks to Black Eyed Pea for sharing this gift of F3 with me a few years ago.  It has changed the way I look at life, changed the way I treat people, and changed what I perceieved to be my limiations.  There are guys out there right now praying for change, I challenge you to be the change for them.  Don't be afraid to share this with somebody, I saw a few photos from churches around the LKN area today where guys were up on stage promoting what we do.  Its time that everyone knows we are here to change the place we live in, lets get started!
