Low Impact Workout for a High Impact Day

9 Pax sweated it out this humid, humid MMM morning.  Here’s most of the thang:

Jaggy-jog around the school and COP for warm-o-Rama.
SSH X 100
Downward Dog and calf stretching
The American push-up X 15
Slow squat
Zamperini down the lot w/ KB
KB Curl
OH Press
Skull crusher
Slow squat
Joggy jog to BB hoop and back
Zamperini to benches
More KB and non-KB exercise
Repeat Jog
Zamperini to Pull-up area
Step-ups, pull-ups, other stuff
Zamperini, curls, plank jacks, squats, Man-maker merkins
Joggy-jog.  More of other stuff.
Zamperini to MARY
T-claps to The Hall Monitor and Free-pass for banging out the Standard
While I know Stromboli posted this morning, I swear he didn’t say a word.  So, was he REALLY there?
Cousin Eddie and Stapler at this point are so regular, you can set your watch by them.  Nice work, gents.
Who Oyster?  Well, yeah, he did happen to show up.  We let him stay,  This time.
Someone please check on Bagboy, he was having some trouble with the whole “counting” thing.  It appears he’s regressing. He maxes out a 5.
Gnarly Goat begged for more ‘Mericans, everyone knows that’s his wheelhouse, but my watch doesn’t work like his does.
I’d say it was a pleasure this morning, Boys, but I was toast by time we finished.