Lower body beatdown…fun for all

18 brave souls ventured out to see what the Q could bring knowing that he was sporting a broken hand.  Needless to say, there was not much upper body work for this crew but the mumble chatter was flowing.


  • Quick lap to get the blood flowing
  • SSH x30
  • IST x20
  • Cotton Pickers x15
  • Low-n-Slow squat x10
  • CDD x10

The Thang:

Mosey to entrance and partner up

  • P1 – Run to top, squat x10; P2 – LBC; flip-flop
  • P1 – Run to top, lunge x10 each leg; P2 – Low flutter; Flip-flop
  • P1 – Run to top, CDD x10; P2 – LBC; Flip-flop
  • P1 – Run to top, squat x 10; P2 – LBC; flip-flop

Mosey to concession stand and find a bench:

  • Single leg step up x10 each leg
  • Incline merking x20
  • People's chair with air-press x 1 min
  • Repeato

Mosey to the hill and grab your partner

  • P1 – Quadraphelia up, squat x10; P2 – LBC; flip-flop
  • P1 – Quadraphelia up, CDDx10; P2 – dying cockroach; flip-flop
  • Repeato

Mosey to the rock pile

  • Look at rock pile…and then 10 low-n-slow squats
  • Pick up rock – ok so it wasnt ALL lower body
  • Curls x15
  • Skull crushers x15
  • Overhead press x15
  • Sumo squat x15
  • Repeato

Mosey back to parking lot taking the scenic route


  • Squat x10
  • JLow x15
  • Low Dolly x20


  • Ninja Turtle was presented with a gift from Magnus — a baby ninja turtle action figure that was left by some sad 6 year old now adorns the dashboard of Ninja's vehicle a la a hawaiian belly dancer
  • Smores was blown away by the diversity of the workout and the vast array of excercises that could be leveraged by the Q with a broken hand (squat, CDD, squat, CDD, squat…)
  • Normal mumble-chatter by the pax.  They tested me at the beginning to see if they could get under my skin.  Quickly diverted tactics to focus the MC on each other once they realized I was ignoring them.
  • Always a great privilege and honor to follow you men in the gloom.  It has been a while since I have had a formal Q and realize how much fun it really is.

Pray for our City, our citizens and our first-responders!

Macbeth Out