Loyalty, dedication, dependability, nantanery

Event Date

Aug 10, 2023

Do you know the story of Hachiko?

He is known as the most loyal dog in the world. He walked with is master every day to take the train to work in Tokyo. One day at work, unbeknownst to Hachiko, his master died. Hachiko continued to wait at the train station for his master. And he waited…and waited…and waited. For nearly 10 years he would visit the train station every day at precisely the time the train was scheduled to arrive with his master. And then Hachiko died, forever let down by his master. Moral: just move on, man.

A similar loyalty was on display this morning at Dragon Slayer, where the PAX waited 10 seconds for their beloved Q, who also happens to bear the great responsibility of Nantan. When Q/Nantan didn’t show, we assumed he died. But we always returned to the launch point to check for him (and because the laps we ran always brought us back, so we didn’t have to go out of our way).

Popcorn started with an ode to his very first workout, Qed by the much more dependable Soprano back on August 10, 2020. He called it “BACKS” and had something to do with a exercises that started with B, A, C…you get the idea. It was 3 years ago, how am I supposed to remember?

So we did PACS, which is also an ode to the dead PAC-12.

10 reps each of Pull ups, Apollo Onos (2 is 1), CDDs (in cadence), and Squats (of the jump variety). Then we ran a lap. Then we did 9, then a lap. Then 8, then a lap. Then 7, then a lap. At this point Mr Holland got bored and Popcorn relinquished Q. Also somewhere in there, a bunch of incogs did their incog thing and incogged there way into the workout right before incogging their way out of it. They also incogged their way into this BB (but not in the PAX list, no double cred today my dudes).

Then Enron took over with Bulgarian splits squats and incline merkins, 2 sets of 10 each.

Then AMPAM took over to beggggggg for hill running, much to the groaning of everybody.

Then Mr Holland took over for wall sits, seal claps, and airplane parkers? or something.

Then AMPAM got tired of that junk and ran a hill by himself.

Then Hot Wax and Ping called some Mary.

Thus the story of how 6 Hachiko’s moved on quickly and became their own masters.