Lt. Dan, Lt. Dan, Lt. Dan

Event Date

Mar 11, 2019


If you say Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice… you get Michael Keaton shenanigans.  Well, what happens when you say Lt. Dan, Lt. Dan, Lt. Dan?  You get sore legs.

YHC wanted a good leg workout, but didn't feel like running… so leg/core work was on the menu.  There was warm-o-ramma, and I'm pretty sure there was Mary.  But all I feel like I remember was Lt. Dan's, sprints, and a buffet of squat varieties and jump-ups and step-ups.  A veritable bouquet of leg pain.  And now much like Lt. Dan himself… I ain't got no legs!

Kudos to Binary for the return, strong work!  Looking forward to a Q in April!  And good to see Tantrum again… if he tells you he's still injured please call BS – boy looks FAST again.  And Mona Lisa we're sorry we missed you, gotta set that alarm earlier!  You never seem to be late for taco day buddy…

Finally some good weather, I feel the winter doldrums lifting already!  
