Luck of the Draw

My second Samson Suicides, first time q.  Love the workout in the box with the ability to mix up the exercises. In preperation I wrote down 5 exerces on pieces of paper and put them in a plastic bag.

We watched Auto roll in from a lonely standard.  Then took a mosey to the back of the lot.  We did side straddle hops and planked.

While planking we took turns picking exercises from the bag to determine the order of the exercises. 

Big Montana came up clutch picking burpees as the first exercises.  This was followed by jump squats, WWII, reverse lunge, and lastly Merkins.  Doing 15 burpees in round 1 sure beat doing them in rounds 4 or 5.  But merkins in round 5 were pretty tough after all those blockies.  Strong work by all who attended.  Gambini and Uncle Rico were crushing it again.  Auto was a bit behind them but only from all the pullups he decided to add into the mix.  We will try to make it harder next time.  

Thanks Hasselhoff for the chance to lead, love your AO, great spot.


