Lucky 13 Showed up for a Foundry Beatdown

Event Date

Jun 17, 2016

Southpaw is not in the pax list.

Olaf – 50 (WD)

Southpaw – 13 (WB)

Who said 13 is an unlucky number?

Woke up this morning at 4:26 AM with some nervous energy that every Q opportunity brings.  I was ready to bring my best to the lucky 13 that decided to forgo the fartsack. 

It went something like this…


Mosey around the parking lot with butt-kickers, high-knees, karaoke down to the entrance. 

15 –SSH IC

10 – Windmills IC

15 – Cotton Pickers IC

10 – Imperial Storm Troopers IC

10 – Toy Soldiers IC

The Thang

In honor of many Ditka beatdowns, I felt it was my duty to do some curb crawls.  Line up against a curb and bear crawl to the other end and do (10) incline mercans on the curb.

Lunge walk back to the other side and do (10) knee ups?  (jump and touch your knees to your hands)

Repeat decreasing by two each time down to zero.

Mosey to Monkey Bar Forrest…  Cross the monkey bars and pick up a cinder block on the way out.  Carry Cindy over to the middle of the 2nd to last drive way from the top of the lot with the pull up bars.  This will be our starting point for some “clock” stations. 

Starting position is the 6:00 position. 

(10) Blockee’s…. Run half a lap to the 12:00 position at the top of the lot.

(20) LBC’s…. Run back to the starting position (6:00)

Repeat but decrease each exercise by half (5-Blockee’s and 10-LBC’s)

(20) Curls…. Run half a lap to the 12:00 position at the top of the lot.

(20) Freddie Mercury’s…. Run back to the starting position (6:00)

Repeat but decrease each exercise by half (10-curls and 10-FM)

Mosey to top of lot to Pull-Up bars

(10) Pull-ups… Run half a lap to the 6:00 position

(20) Squats….. Run back to the pull up bars.

Repeat but decrease each exercise by half (5-Pull-ups and 10-Squats)

Crab Cindy…

(20) Bent over Rows IC

(10) Lawn Mower – Right arm IC

(10) Lawn Mower – Left arm IC

Lap (same lap as done in the (3) previous sets)

Repeat (15-BOR, 10, and 10)


(10) Shoulder Press IC

(15) Chest Press w/ Low Flutters IC

(10) Skull Crushers IC




Take Cindy back to her home and make a pass across the monkey bars then head back to the parking lot for some Mary.


(20) W’s IC

Passed the buck to Lego who then called (10) Makhtar N’Diaye and repeated but switching direction.


As always, I love what the foundry has to offer for an AO.  So many different directions you can go.  Great work by all today in the swampy conditions.  Lego, Auto, DonHo, and a few others crushed the standard prior to the beat down I had awaiting.  Mad respect to all those who did the standard prior to the beatdown. A lot of chatter to start off with, but quickly dissipated once the blockee’s started.  Nice to see Lawn dart and his 2.0 out this morning.  Southpaw was a natural on the monkey bars.  Rocket and Olaf, great work today.  Lego did not care for any of the Mary or ab type of workouts.  So I decided to call on him during Mary where he graciously chose 20 reps of Makhtar N’Diaye.  Lesson learned, won’t make that mistake again.  I was feeling good about myself during the workout on the laps until Ty Webb and Auto breezed by me.  Filet, Dingo, Cooter, and Don Ho as always great work.   Thanks as always to Ty Webb for the opportunity to Q.  I started this thing about 11 months ago and have seen the proof of what F3 can offer oneself.  I am truly grateful for this group of men that push me every day to be the best I can.  I hope my best pushed and tested everyone today.  I look to seeing everyone in the gloom real soon.