A lucky group of seven got their weekend off to a good start at True Grit. FNG is Fillmore.
Begin with a mosey through the St. Mark parking lot mixing in high knees, butt kickers and side shuffles. Pick up Omega on the way.
- SSH x 20
- Merkins x 15
- IST x 15
- Cotton Picker x 15
- Wide Merkin x 15
- Windmill x 15
- Toy Soldier x 15
- Diamond Merkin x 10
- LBC x 20
The Workout:
- 10 Dead Hang Pullups / Run about 100 yds / 20 Merkins & 30 LBCs / Run Back
- 8 Dead Hang Pullups / Run about 100 yds / 20 Merkins & 30 LBCs / Run Back
- 6 Dead Hang Pullups / Run about 100 yds / 20 Merkins & 30 LBCs / Run Back
- 4 Dead Hang Pullups / Run about 100 yds / 20 Merkins & 30 LBCs / Run Back
- 2 Dead Hang Pullups / Run about 100 yds / 20 Merkins & 30 LBCs
- Grab Cinder Block
- O/H Press x 10
- Curls x 10
- Chest Press x 10
- Lawnmower (R) x 10
- Lawnmower (L) x 10
- Dora 100s
- Partner 1: O/H Press AMRAP, Partner 2: Run Loop around school dropoff area, flapjack and repeat until total 100
- Partner 1: Curls AMRAP, Partner 2: Run
- Partner 1: Chest Press (I think), Partner 2: Run
- Low Flutter x 30
- Low Dolly x 30
- Rosalita x 30
- Pretzel Crunch x 10, 10
- Merkins x 11
- Good number of Pax for an early Saturday. Thank you for the support. About time to get some double-downs going as well.
- Nice number of Merkins today. Got just over 200 in there.
- Glad to have Fillmore at his first True Grit workout, keep on coming brother.
- Omega's four-legged friend Bailey made the rounds removing sweat from the Pax' faces during Mary. A bit sketchy.
An honor and privilege to be a part of this group.