Lucky Number 7 on the golf course then Knox hill for fun

Event Date

Feb 15, 2022


FNG-1 = Mighty Mouse (Get him on the website!)

FNG-2= Enron's dog Henry

The cold didn't scare 11 of Iso's fastest and strongest to get out of bed this morning and make their way over to FKT

YHC, DonHo, and Tugs met for the Standard. YHC inquired about the reason for a 2 mile standard for FKT verse the "normal" 3 mile standard and learned that it makes it a nice 10K since we get 4 miles at FKT.

Tugs hit up a quick "Second Standard" if you know what I mean *poopfire*

The Thang

PAX started rolling in one by one and as 0530 hit, off we went towards the golf course. Along the way, Henry the dog decided to do a last minute "Second Standard" *poopfire*

A quick disclaimer that I should've given at the cars considering I mention that PAX would probably want a headlamp and we were about a quarter mile away already, but alas we move on.

  • Lucky Number 7
    • Run to the tee boxes of the first 7 holes on the golf course, 7 burpees at each tee box = 49 burpees
    • Roughly 2 miles
  • After the 7th hole it spits us out conviently at Knox Hill! How can anyone resist a nice run up and down Knox Hill when it's right there for the taking.
  • I wasn't planning on 7 more burpees at the bottom of the hill but Jobe asked so I obliged as a great Q
  • Run to the top of Knox Hill, 14 burpees
  • Run back up Devonshire and back to launch, stopping at the Arnies pull up bars for some pull ups if you had time
  • Back at launch, 10 LBC's IC

Recover Recover

Name o Rama



  • Jobe is getting fast. When someone that big is getting that fast its a scary sight, strong work!
  • Tugs and Swing State were speed demons today crushing Knox Hill and the run to the pull up bars. They even had time to play on the bars before beating everyone back to Launch
  • Mulligan picked a great day to come to FKT and it was nice to meet you! See you out there again soon!
  • Enron told a story about killing a goose with a golf cart… do with that what you will
  • Hoodie is looking strong coming back from surgery, keep up the good work!
  • I think Lego opened up every door on his truck before we started, always double check to make sure you got everything!
  • And the most impressive feat of the morning was Frodo able to get his 16 year old out of bed and in the gloom!
  • Thanks DonHo for the opportunity to lead!

Until next time……. Mr. H