LuckySweet 16 Murph-ish Great Pickle Pounder Debate

[Puddle and Trickle too]

13 rolled into Saturday’s gloom, prepared to battle the sloth.  Energy was spent.  Sweat was created.  DownPAINment to getting’ better was paid.  It went a little something like this.


(x = in cadence)

16x  side straddle hops

16x  Imperial squat walkers   #ifyouwerentawakeyetyouarenow  #ugh

16x  Tony Hawks

16x  windmills  

16x  push ups

(pax caught on pretty quickly to the Sweet 16 counting scheme in homage to March Madness)


Grab your water, if you like.  We’ll be back in about 25 minutes…or so.

Indian Run up to the fountain, start sprinting when the previous guy is half-way through the pax.

16x  monkey humpers

16x  reverse pickle pounders…, what…MC that’s just a pickle pounder…<debate ensues>…pickles neither pounded nor reverse pounded for about 10 seconds until YHC leads the one where you are facing/thrusting up to a bridge…and I hope that’s the last time ‘thrusting’ is part of the bb…


Indian Run to the clubhouse

1 break along the way for 16 staggered merkins (8 each side)

Take a moment at the American flag to say The Pledge of Allegiance.

Little comment about our favorite Irishmen, Lt. Michael Murphy…more honoring later…muahahaha

Mosey speed up run around the clubhouse, gathering up at the Parking Lot of Many Battles.


Count off into 4’s for 4 Corners of Fun

1’s do 16 WW1 situps and slide-right (always facing the lake, of course) to the next corner

** LightBulb quizzes folks on WW1 and WW2 history nuggets or trivia

2’s do 16 squats and backwards mosey to the next corner

** Atlantis wins the affection of many by confirming that all of these are NOT in cadence

3’s (no exercise) go right into inchworm to the next corner   #CrowdPleaser

** a few comments regarding the inchworm really just being another way to do bear crawls…unintentional, but I can relate

4’s do 16 pushups and mosey to the first corner

The 13th guy runs around the clubhouse (200 yards maybe); each pax taking a turn running around whilst the rest go, go, go.


** Skipper is bummed that I missed last week’s complain-o-rama regarding not bringing water bottles.  Really wants to complain but doesn’t.  #Restraint


Indian Run back to the AO.

One stop along to way to do 16x Plank Peter Parkers.   The pavement there was not elbow-friendly.  We’re manly and tough, but we’re not dumb.

My recollection of the next little bit is an Indian Run and JAILBREAK AS WE TURN THE CORNER.

Apparently…I actually said something else.  Maybe JAILBREAK as we approach the corner…or cut through the field…or Look out for Dandelion…or Schnickeys!

Solid fuel boosters were on the rocket boots of many brothers.  Good push fellas.


DRINK OF WATER!!   And there was much rejoicing….


Back to the back for more honoring of Lt. Michael Murphy.  One tough mo’ fo’…the least of which is because of his daily workout of 1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats, and another mile run…all with a 40# pack.

For those who haven’t done a Last Monday of the Month Murph, your next chance to do so is Monday, March 28th.  Both Mustang and SVU start at 5:30am and get ‘er done.

Today, it’s just 4 or 5 cycles at 1min 20second pace of:

5 pull ups

10 push ups

15 squats


Good job guys.  The end of the Murph feels like doing a few cycles at the end of a beat down.  Not easy.  It’s an accomplishment.

LED had enough in the tank to cross the monkey bars afterwards.  Nice job Little Dude!


Quick mosey back to the AO for a little Mary:

16x LBC’s

16x low flutters

16x box cutters….oooh, this was a little painful by the end.

4×16 seconds of mason twist…I mean American Hammer


Washed and wrung out.  Nice work fellas.

Trickle is convinced we ran 16 miles, but GoodWrench clarifies right around 2.


Reflection:  Ephesians 4:32

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”

Matthew 18 – the story of the king who forgave 200,000 years wages in debt to a man, and the man could not forgive another for 3 months wages debt.

The King has forgiven us brothers, for our countless, innumerable sins.  Be forgiving to your co-workers, your neighbors, your children, your spouses.  Be forgiving.

Forgive one another fellas.  It’s a major act of love.  Be that love and reflect Christ’s love to others.



-Great to see a nice crew on a Saturday morning.  Weather was nice.  Glad the wind and rain held off.

-Always a treat to hang out with LED.  Glad he brought LightBulb with him.  Great to see that bond.  Other 2.0’s are welcome.

-I’ve asked Twitter whether it’s a PP or a RPP.  Surely, Twitter will respond with the absolute truth.  The InterWebs are always right!!

-Get out there and be a man today.  Love, forgive, lead, be courageous, and make an impact on someone.  Several someones.  Why not?  That’s what you were created to do.


Thank you for the opportunity to lead fellas.

Have a great day!

