Ludicrous Speed Bonesaw

Event Date

Jun 09, 2021


4 pax showed up to the Richard Berry Memorial Park lot anticipating an easy jaunt.  They were treated to a tame mile warmup around the lower track, but this was just the calm before the storm.  After the warm up we mosey’d up to Bud Henderson and the grumbling commenced.  YHC was prepared to run the Bud Henderson hill on repeat, but noticed that both a new neighborhood and the new CSD athletic field entrance created an awesome Bonesaw opportunity, so we took that opportunity.  Approximately 2.5 miles of hill work ensued.  We finished with a jog back down the parking lot and once around the track.  More of these to come!

Side note – there are only 2 lake norman region BRR teams signed up this year.  This used to be the running super bowl of LKN/Isotope.  Let’s see if we can get it going again!

Blackbeard was not in attendance today.