Lunar Eclipse on Election Day?

13 Pax showed up strong this morning at #TheGladiator for an election themed workout. Here’s how we rolled…


Warm A Rama at Base/checkpoint 1 in cadence:

-Slow windmill x10

-Dwight Schrute/Slippery Dip Can/Carrot Pullers/Long Snapper x10

-Toy soldiers x 15 (30)

-Hillbillies x 15 (30)

-IST x 15 (30)

-Side straddle hop x 25 (50)


“Running for Office “(Mosey to Checkpoint 2)

3-2-1-find a “running mate” with another pax

-300 lbc’s while running mate laps

-200 squats while running mate laps

-100 ‘WWII’s while running mate laps

(Bel-Air did a great job as YHC’s partner)

On your 6

“Stretching the truth ads”

-mobility moment as we tried to watch the lunar eclipse (while listening to Total Eclipse of the Heart-now that’s true fellowship and brotherhood my friends)

“Crossing Party Lines”

-Alternate jumping over parking lines x15

-On your belly facing partner, do a ‘Merican, and extend one arm to slap the hand of your partner’s extended (opposite) arm x20 (The Colonel was an excellent partner for YHC during this one)

“Donkey” Kicks

-mountain-climbers x20 (40)

-down dog, then leg raises to sky x10 each leg (20)

“Elephant” walks

Bear crawl a lap backwards and forwards

“Swing State”

-T Planks to the sky (alternate sides) x15 each side (30)

“Crunch the numbers”

-pillow talk x20 each side (40)

-pretzel crunch (both sides) x20 (40)

-Freddy Mercury x20 (40)

-heels to heaven reverse crunch x15


“Running for Office” (Mosey to Checkpoint 1/base)

“Down a point & Up a point”

-calf raises x20 (40)

-MH’s x15 (30)


Recover Recover

Circle of Trust/Namarama




We enjoyed observing the lunar eclipse together (with some cheesy, but classic,  background music).

Amen, Beave, Bel-Air, Bob Ross, Estwing, Flo, FNG-Larry, Mic Check, Pavarotti, POS, Soprano, & The Colonel we’re impressive.

Thanks to Mic Check who EH’d FNG Larry this morning!


Amen is looking to purchase a car for his son. DM him for opportunities.

Flo will be assisting with a Thanksgiving dinner fundraiser for needy families. You can help by purchasing a car wash from Sudz at a discount (check Flo’s Twitter feeds and DM him if questions). Some of the proceeds will help 300 families (or feel free to make a donation).

12/2-Christmas Party will be at 11 Lakes (bring donation for Operation Sweet Tooth).

Dragon Slayer will honor a veteran  on Thursday (will be a step up workout).

A F3 business networking meeting is held each Tuesday morning at waterbean in Cornelius.

Come out to the “Week of Amen” next week at various posts as he celebrates.

Prayer Requests:

Unspoken  requests in all circles.

Pray for The Force and his mother’s health.

It was a great morning gents. Until next time…


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Tobias, Tobadia, etc..)
