Mad Sci Olympics
As a tribute to the 2016 Summer Olympics, 8 crazies followed me around DPK carrying the cell phone torch (with flashlight illuminated). Team Mort showed up at the same time with Bago and PT, but they ventured into Vermillion for some suburban hill work. Hashtag BRR.
The PAX kept our shirts on despite the hot box we were about to enter.
1st Event: Speed walking
Lap around DPK
Gold: Ty Webb
To the basement
Circle up into teams
4 x 400 Basement
Athlete 1 – sprints up 2 levels and back 1 level
Team jogs up 1 level
Athlete 2 – repeats until team has gone
Repeat depending on number in team
Gold: Ty Webb's team
4 x 400 Top of deck
Athlete 1 – hand on wall sprints down 1 level. Takes the stairs down 1 level. Sprints up to the top.
Athlete 2 or rest of team – 40 Merkins
Gold: Caboose
Triple jump
3 broad jumps – 1 burpee
Down the deck
Gold: Ty Webb
Uneven bars
Cliff hanger pull ups in the wall
100 meter hurdles
Pax lines up staggered in front leaning rest position. Line up and hurdle over the Pax. Tunnel of love style with back athlete getting up all the way down the deck.
Partner up
Fireman's carry
Stance left, stance right
Toe touch left and right
Backwards crab walk team races with legs locked
Event canceled due to difficulty
changed to regular crab walk
Sprint up the deck
Sprint down the steps
Sprint up 1 level
Gold: Scrappy
100 meter dash
5 sprints to the top of the deck
Gold: Carpetbagger, Scrappy, Ty Webb on various legs
Windshield wiper 4 count – Caboose
Dying cockroach – Ty Webb
COT – Scrappy
The Creed. "The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well."
Phillipians 3:14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Ty Webb was a step ahead of the Pax today winning most of the events and therefore gets the GOLD. In light of the Scripture and creed above, we reflected upon how we can learn so much more through the process of something rather than being so focused on winning all the time. There are people and relationships along the way in our quest for GOLD. Let's not forget about the people that we encounter and those whom God puts in our path. We can still strive for the prize, but always have a dual understanding of those around us and what the bigger picture is. I'm preaching more to myself. Ha.
Skywalker gets the lion's heart award today. At 14 years old, he was pushing it on a few sprints and never gave up. Aye brother. Very inspired by your mental strength.
Nice to meet Sweetwater. Lounden Swain EH'd him 3 weeks ago. I believe he lives rather close by. He is a camera man for the Panthers and SEC basketball. Was gonna ask for some tickets, but he might put me to work. Great push as well. The workouts don't get any easier, but you get better. You vs. You. At 46, you are crushing it. Keep up the good work. See you back out there and looking forward to gettting to know you better.
And for the rest of you, see you gloom warriors at zero dark thirty.