Mad Sci was Ground Zero

Destination Mad Scientist 

A balmy 70 F on this fine morning, a Pax of 18 descended upon the DPK for the weekly running of the Mad Scientist.  I promised to explore in the #PB, and explore we did.  This is our story….


Run across the street to the old police station.  All exercises in cadence.

SSH x 20 – Lap (commonly referred to the pain clock)

IST x 10 – Lap

Cotton Pickers x 10 – Lap

Windmills x 10 – Lap

Mericans x 10 – Lap

Toy Soldier x 10 – Run back to the basement of the deck.

The Thang:

Grab a Cindy.  All exercises are OYO.  After each exercise run to the top of the deck and perform another exercise and run back to the basement (starting point).  Each exercise after this we will run one less level as the previous level. 

10 – Blockees, Run to level 6; 25 LBC Run back to basement

10 – Squat Thrusters, Run to level 5; 25 LBC Run back to basement

25 – Bent over rows, Run to level 4; 10 Cliff hangers

15 – Lawn Mowers each arm, Run to level 3; 10 Cliff hangers

20 – Curls, Run to level 2; 25 Squats

20 – Chest Press w/ low flutter, Run to level 1; 10 Lunges each leg

20 – Block Swings; 25 LBC

Put the blocks back and mosey to the circle by the clock for a small ladder work.

15 – Dips, run across the grass lot to the opposite end by the fire station and do 15 CDD’s.  Repeat two more times decreasing each set by 5.


100 – Low flutter IC or maybe 90 split in two separate times.

10 – Pretzel crunches

20 – Freddie Mercury

One minute plank

Thee Burpee

Rcover, recover..


Great work by all and very thankful for the support today.  Great to see Lego back out today.  Glad he could take a break from all his yogging workouts to hang with us common folk.  We had a Raven sighting today as well.  Glad to see you back at it brother.  Ty Webb, Q-Bert, and Forrest were out front early today and didn’t let up.  I think Q-Bert was trying to show off the 28 year old body and show off to the lady “Camp Gladiators” this morning.  I’m sure they thanked you.  Forrest wanted in on the gig and removed his shirt as well.  Next time, shirts are optional.  LaBon, good to see you back in da gloom, the mad-sci misses you.  Scrappy was out of the gates early and then I think felt sorry for us slower folk and let off the gas a little.  Thanks for making me feel fast today.  Welcome Eddie (FNG).  I believe he and Lego ran here for the “standard” this morning.  Welcome to F3, keep coming back.  It doesn’t get easier, you just get better.  Bunyan is a beast and proves that age is just a number, Bam Bam barely broke a sweat and is going to take it out on us tomorrow at Dragon Slayer.  Jorts, Fescue, Dino, The Count, Master Po, and Cooter all made it look easy today. 

I can’t stress enough how great F3 is.  I came out to a Mad Sci workout for my first post almost two years ago and I’ve been hooked ever since.  Thank you all for the push and look forward to doing it again real soon.

Until next time, see you in da gloom…