Mad Scientist and Hollywood Converge for Veterans’ Day

16 hard-chargers converged in downtown H-ville under the careful tutelage of YHC and Crocs.  Camp Gladiator was already underway and making way with the volume to 11 when we shoved off to the northeast to honor Veterans' Day by working out with the beautiful Huntersville Veterans' Monument as our temporary HQ.


YHC and Crocs ping-ponged the Q for exciting events such as the CoP, dips, Americans, incline Americans, praying mantis, monkey humpers, cack a lacka choo choo, lunge walks, peel backs, hand-releasers, shoulder touchers, runs here, runs there, run run everywhere, mobility moments, etc.

Back to launch pad, into basement (Ma!  Meatloaf!) for Mary-type stuff.

After Action Report:

Apparently none of us have been to SERE school (survival, evasion, resistance and escape) because Titan found us and stayed with us despite our best efforts.

Nacho-Libre and Cherry Bomb honored veterans by appearing in full "battle rattle" gear.

Top Gun cleared us for multiple fly-by's of the Stretch crew, and then brought us in for some R and R with a well-deserved mobility moment

Maybe he's not a veteran, but Crocs' Rambo head band gets him honorary status and a medal to go with it. 

Popcorn and Poptart… both snack foods.

Humidity was high.  Wet bulb globe temp was dangerous.

Good coffeeteria at the Caboose.

Thanks to all veterans, especially those who joined the fun this morning (9-Lives USAF, QBert USMC, Top Gun USN)

GG and Crocs thank you for your attendance and look forward to flying with you again real soon.  Buh bye.

