Mad Scientist meets Sharknado

FNG 2 – Jordache

I wasn't quite sure what to expect when I sent out the pre-blast calling for a return of Sharknado at a different location. Would there be revolt? Would Middle Earth rise again? Would there be pain? Definitley.

Here's what went down….

Standard 0500: Thanks Jedi and Wingman for joining me to run before we ran some more.


Mosey around DPK…

20 SSH

15 IST

15 Squats

The THANG 0530:

Sharknado!! (all exercises are single count) – starting at the bottom and moving up after each exercise

  • 15 burpees
  • Run to next level
  • 20 diamond merkins
  • Run to next level
  • 20 WWII sit-ups
  • Run to next level
  • 20 merkins
  • Run to next level
  • 20 scorpion dry-docks
  • Run to next level
  • Run back the bottom, and do it again


Low Flutter


J-Lo (courtesy of Jedi)


  • As my virgin Q this was a very, very bad idea of a workout, but we all walked away better for it. I'm sure I need to work on a few things for next time, but I was honored to lead you men today.
  • Wingman: you are a beast, first to finish and kept going, nice work.
  • We had 1 FNG we hopefully didn't scare off, thanks LoudenSwain for bringing him out and we hope to see him again next Wed for naming. Nice work to you both.
  • Frontier, Jedi, Thor, SpongeBob,and Labon – way to grind it out today. Great to see you guys pushing.
  • Jock Strap: it was noted by the PAX that you had HC'd last night, and some of the group wanted to make sure you were ok??

Mad Scientist was my very first workout after being EH'd by Mooch back in May. So I have a special place in my heart for where all this started for me. F3 has been life-changing during the relatively short time since I've joined. I know I've joined something bigger than just myself. Physically I feel better than I've felt in a long time, but it's the other F's that mean more to me that I'm working to get better at. I am humbled each time I post, and look forward to contributing where I can.

Thanks to Tweetsie for the opportunity to Q.

Till next time, see you in the gloom.
