Mad Scientist Partner Tour to Flag City

It was a hot a humid morning when YHC rolled up to see Tantrum and Mona Lisa and a few others were just coming in from a Standard Run. 

Thanks for the invite Jimmy O, it had been too long since I posted here and was nice to be back. 

Upon reaching the PAX, Frontier made a suggestion that we check out the downtown Huntersville area that there were a ton of shovel flags (about 50) planted in the Red Caboose greenspace.  So, I had plans to keep us in the deck and we switched it up a bit as Frontier flagged us down (town) and redirected our course today.  Thanks brother. 

Warm-Up: SSH, Carrot Pulles, Slow WindMill

Mosey to the Flag Field – Partner Up – Run Around the Flag Field – do various partner exercises x 3 

Back to the Deck Basement – Partner A runs ups Steps, Partner B does an exercise x 3 

Run to Top of Deck:  Backwards Decent with various exercises (burpees, derkins, and such)

Run to the Clock Tower:  Exercises on the platform (step ups and derkins and such) and 3 hot laps

Sprint Finisher x 6 sprints 

Mary:  Geronimo song merkin bomb, Stray, Qbert, Tantrum, and Snakeyes 

1.  Great to be back men.  I really appreicate Jimmy O's leadership at the MadSci and throughout F3.  Thank you. 

2.  Qbert — great to see you brother.  Recover well from left-handed repetitive action syndrome or something like that? 

3.  Nice Standard Tantrum and Mona Lisa and others. 

4.  Surprise — Frontier was leading in most of the runs.  Boom.  T-Claps for getting in good shape my brother. 

5.  Snake Eyes – always a pleasure seeing an F3 Royalty OG.

Stay Strong Each Day Brothers, knowning there are other men going through similar things.  Please let me know if I can pray for you individually.   Please reach out.  Prayers for BAGBOY!!!! 
