22 Pax (including 2 FNG's) signed up for a 45 minute non-stop gut buster that left little oxygen to breathe, let alone talk. Here's the skinny:

Warm Up

  • Mountain Climbers 20X IC
  • Muricans 10X IC
  • SSH 20X IC

The Thang

Break into four groups to start at each of the four stations. 40 minute AMRAP rotating through each station OYO.

Station 1 – Patio Wall

  • Wall Jumps 15X
  • Dips 15X
  • Run to field

Station 2 – Field

  • Broad Jump Burpees from light pole to light pole (approximately 20 yards)
  • Bear Crawl back
  • Run to bottom level of parking deck

Station 3 – Bottom Level of Parking Deck

  • Jump Squats 15X
  • Muricans 15X
  • Run up to the top of the parking deck

Station 4 – Top Level of Parking Deck

  • Jump Lunges 15X
  • Diamond Muricans 15X
  • Run to patio wall and repeat circuit


  • Freddy Mercury 25X IC
  • Low Flutter 20X IC
  • The W 15X IC


  • Always an honor to Q, especially honored to finally get my Mad Scientist VQ under my belt – one of my favorite AO's
  • Beast Mode awards go to Scrappy, Ty Webb, and Cornwallis – I know there were others but I saw these guys absolutely crushing it from start to end
  • Very little mumble chatter and a lot of solid encouragement – that was a suck fest with non-stop motion for 40 minutes, loved the effort all around
  • TCLAPS to the 5 ruckers and 5 (I believe) runners that put in the EC pre-Mad Sci
  • Welcome Lone Star and Allen!
  • Maltese (WD), Hambone (WB)
  • Thank you Mr. Burns, THE Mad Scientist, for the opportunity to lead, and thank you for the call out in the COT (perhaps mini Q school is in my future)
    • Sorry, not sorry