Mad Scientist Re-Opens the Lab for the Greater Good

Event Date

May 27, 2020

It took some back room dealings but we were able to convince the state to relinquish control of the Mad Scientist Lab back to F3 Lake Norman!  This was my first post and Q since March 11th. It took some time to get used to it again but I think it worked out OK!  

I appreciate Bob Ross, Toxic and Liger showing up, being patient of my rusty Q and tolerating my constant reminders to keep distance between everyone!

Here is the workout:

Run to Veteran's Park – easy to spread out and stay in fresh air

Warm up – SSH, Wind mill, Carrot puller, Arm Circles, Mountain Climber

Round 1 – 12 reps of everything, run a lap around the park

Squats, Revese lunges, jane fondas, merkins and LBCs

Round 2 – 12 reps of everything, run a lap

Jump Squat, money humpers, one leg dead-lift, CDD, Heels to Heaven

Round 3 – 12 reps of everything, run a lap

Side squats, Iversons, mountain climbers, elbow plank jacks, flutter kicks

Round 4 – keep the leg exercises from Round 1 and stay put

Round 5 – keep the leg exercises from Round 2 and stay put

Round 6 – keep the leg exercises from Round 3 and stay put

Run back to launch pad at DPK for round robin Mary. 10 minutes of Mary because I this is my first Q in 2 months and I misjudged the time.  I dont remember all the exercised but Toxic made up some stupid Merkin that broke my wrist!

Socially Distanced COT while taking a knee.  Guys seem to like the no-touch COT

Jimmy O